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…do have many faces: the most common are anorexia nervosaor deprivation of eating, bulimia nervosa or the urge to vomit after eating and the binge eating disorderor BES with a loss of control over the impulse of eating.
All these different forms of eating disorders have one thing in common: The emotional and mental bindingwith the theme “food”and “weight.”
A clear red flag for all eating disorders is clandestineness. People affected by eating disorders hide food, find excuses not to participate in the table and eat alone clandestinely
Loss of control
The need to control weight and eating reaches the point where the issue controls us. The end is the total loss of control over eating.
…is caused by a strong restriction of food intake emanating from the affected person. Hunger is controlled in strict and continuous diets. Calories consumed are reduced to a minimum. Exercise is done compulsively to burn calories. The image of the own body becomes increasingly alien to reality.
Anorexia nervosa is one of the psychic diseases that can lead to death if not found an effective treatment. Nutrient deficiencies such as B vitamins can damage the system in a serious and lasting way. Please do not hesitate to find professional psychological treatment if you think to be affected by this syndrome.
In bulimia, the people involved are very afraid of weight gain. Therefore they continually struggle with craving and excessive food intake, which is usually mostly carbohydrates and calorie foods. The feeling of fullness after eating forces them to vomit to free themselves from the calories consumed. Vomiting becomes a ritual. After the act of vomiting a deep feeling of guilt sets in. The whole ritual is usually carried out in secret.
The entire series of behaviors occupies many hours of the week or day until it hinders or paralyzes daily activity completely.
That vomiting can leads to weight loss is a common wrong belief.
All forms of eating disorders can have different causes that are related to each other. Whether individual, biological, family or social factors, frequently the problem can be found in the family circle, in experienced traumas, in uncertainty or an emotional vacuum, in a lack of self-esteem or in an overprotective education.
Since an eating disorder, especially anorexia is one of the psychosomatic disorders that can lead to death, it is difficult to get out of the vicious circle without professional psychological help.
The first step is to recognize the existence of a problem admitting to initiate a therapeutic process.
The first objective of the treatment in Animate Psychology is to leave behind the ACUTE RISK due to low weight and lack of nutrients, especially vitamin B . In bulimia the acute risk is due to mineral deficiency, especially potassium.
Animate Psychology supports with different therapeutic approaches an increasing awareness of the conditions of the problem. We do infer in specific eating habits, adapting to the specific conditions of the affected person and always in consideration of the family system and the social environment of the person affected.
In consecutive steps of the complex individual therapy, the non-functional factors and patterns that sustain the syndromes are made aware and are being treated.